Projected Schedule

March 04, 2018


So I decided to make a schedule for the next couple of weeks to really organize my time with this production. I attached the calendar below, but I'll explain each section a little more in depth. 

Each week I'll be researching and posting regardless, but these are just some of the specific big goals I have in mind.

  • March 3-9: Look for set + develop full script and story board. I'm going to make separate posts about both of these topics, but this week I want to fully develop my story and find a solid place to film. Since I'll most likely be filming in a public space, it's important that I get permission in advanced. 
  • March 10-16: Cast actors + plan outfits/props + work on website. With all the research from week one I think I'll have a better understanding of what I want the website to look like. I also want to have my actors and all of the mise-en-scene elements of my production laid out. 
  • March 17-22: Record voiceover (french) + Prep for filming. As I'll explain further in another post, my film will be in a different language (french), so I must record the narration. I already have someone who said they would help me too :-) I also need to prepare everything for filming the upcoming week.
* March 23-27: I will be out of town and my access to internet will be very limited :( I can't really do much besides blog and research from a foreign country!

  • March 28-April 1: FILMING!! Speaks for itself; I gave myself a decent amount of time just in case anything went wrong and so I could be really meticulous about every shot.
  • April 2-7: Editing + Writing/producing score + re-film if needed. I'm writing my own score for my short with the help of a friend, so as I edit he'll help me produce the music! Also, if there's any mistakes with my shooting, I'll have time to reshoot. 
This is just a basic layout that I plan to follow, hopefully everything goes as planned!!

x Maria

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