This weekend I finally created my postcard and I'm so happy with it! I've also been working a LOT on editing the film and it's almost finished. This is the final week working on this project, and I'm filled with emotion! I'm mostly stressed just because I still have some important things to do, but I'm also really excited!!!
Voila. The final product for the postcard:
Here is the front and back of my postcard; I put them side by side for a better view. For the front I stuck with the minimalistic style I was going for, and the back has screening and contact information.
In the back part of the postcard I made sure to include a lot of important info. I included only 2 screening, because I wanted those two to be the main events for the film, especially making one in Miami for opening night. On the bottom of the card I included the website and social media, which promotes media convergence and more exposure for the film on different platforms. I also included some awards and recognitions on the side, so people would feel more inclined to watch an awarded piece.
Overall, I’m reallg happy with how it came out! I’d want to distribute these cards not only at a local level, but also at film festivals and participating theaters across the country. I would even love to have them at some coffee shops, since that’s where the main premise of the story is :-)
X Maria